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Garden:- A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside, and for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man made materials.
Gardening  is the activity of growing and maintaining the garden

Garden Planning

q Planning of garden features (plants, materials, climatic conditions, growth of plants, activities etc)  considering the site conditions prior to develop a gardened landscape is termed as garden planning.
q  The planning of a garden is an art. It may be undertaken by a professional. A landscape architect is a professional who can plan and realise outdoor spaces.
q The planner must give consideration to many factors:
Purpose, User activities
Existing conditions
Financial constraints
Maintenance implication
Climate, materials

The landscapist should not try to imitate another garden without considering site condition and context.
Design should give  due consideration to the local conditions. One more mistake which is commonly made   is to plant many more specimens than a garden can accommodate causing overcrowding .
A good planner is one who will make best use of  site conditions.
The land with natural undulations  should never be level without proper need. The differences in level should be utilized with advantage . 

Mughal Gardens

 Garden was walled off and protected from the outside world; within, its design was rigidly formal, and its inner space was filled with those elements that man finds most pleasing in nature.
Its essential features included running water (perhaps the most important element) and a pool to reflect the beauties of sky and garden
trees of various sorts, some to provide shade merely, and others to produce fruits; flowers and sweet-smelling; grass, usually growing wild under the trees;
often surmounted by a pavilion or palace

1. Significant use of rectilinear layouts are made within the walled enclosures.
2. Typical features include pools, fountains and canals inside the gardens.
3. Had handsome walls and great gateways
More like forts than gardens City was pleasantly adorned.
4. Most important feature of  Mughal garden is Char Bagh planning.

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